Which is stronger ABS or PETG Filament?

The choice of filament material plays a crucial role in 3D printing. Two of the most popular filament materials are ABS and PETG. ABS stands for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, while PETG stands for Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol. Both materials are known for their strength and durability, but which one is stronger? In this article, we'll explore the properties and characteristics of ABS and PETG filaments, the tensile and impact strength, printability, chemical resistance, and moisture absorption of both filaments. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of each material, readers can make an informed decision on which filament is best suited for their 3D printing application.
Tensile Strength

Tensile strength is the maximum amount of force that a material can withstand before breaking. The tensile strength of a filament material is an essential factor to consider when selecting a filament for a particular 3D printing application.

In terms of tensile strength, PETG filament has a slight edge over ABS filament. PETG has a tensile strength of around 55 MPa, while ABS has a tensile strength of around 40 MPa. This means that PETG is stronger than ABS in terms of resisting tensile forces.

Impact Strength

Impact strength refers to a material's ability to withstand a sudden impact or shock without breaking. ABS is well-known for its impact resistance and toughness. It is one of the reasons why it is a popular choice for producing functional parts, toys, and automotive components.

PETG filament, on the other hand, is more flexible and has better resistance to chemicals. This makes it ideal for producing parts that need to be chemically resistant, such as food packaging, water bottles, and medical applications.

In terms of impact strength, ABS is generally considered to be stronger than PETG. The toughness of ABS makes it more resistant to impact and shock, making it ideal for producing parts that need to withstand harsh conditions and high impact forces.


The printability of a filament material refers to its ease of use and the quality of prints it produces. Printability is an essential factor to consider when selecting a filament material for 3D printing.

PETG filament is generally considered to be easier to print with compared to ABS filament. PETG does not require a heated bed, and it can be printed at lower temperatures compared to ABS filament. PETG is also less prone to warping and cracking, which can affect the overall print quality.

On the other hand, ABS filament requires a heated bed and an enclosed printing environment to prevent warping and cracking. ABS filament is more challenging to print due to its high-temperature requirements, but it produces a higher quality print with smoother surfaces and better adhesion.

Chemical Resistance

Chemical resistance is an essential property to consider when selecting a filament material for 3D printing applications that require exposure to harsh chemicals. PETG has better chemical resistance than ABS filament. PETG is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including acids, alkalis, and alcohols.

ABS filament is also resistant to chemicals but not as much as PETG. ABS is susceptible to attack from acids and alkalis, which can cause the material to degrade and weaken over time.

Moisture Absorption

The moisture absorption properties of a filament material refer to its ability to absorb moisture from the environment. Moisture can affect the quality of the print and lead to issues such as warping and cracking.

ABS filament is known for its high moisture absorption properties. It can absorb moisture from the environment, which can affect the print quality and cause warping and cracking during printing.

PETG filament has lower moisture absorption properties compared to ABS filament. It is less prone to warping and cracking during printing, making it ideal for producing parts that require high dimensional accuracy.
Here is a YouTube video of CNC Kitchen running through similar characteristics of a larger variety of filaments. It's a good watch.

So which is stronger ABS or PETG Filament?

both ABS and PETG filaments are strong and durable materials that can produce high-quality prints. PETG filament has a higher tensile strength and better chemical resistance compared to ABS filament. On the other hand, ABS filament is more impact-resistant and produces smoother and more precise prints. When selecting a filament material, it is essential to consider the specific properties and characteristics required for the 3D printing application. Rather than asking which is stronger abs or petg filament, we need to evaluate the choice between materials will depend on the specific needs of the project, and both materials have their strengths and weaknesses.
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