Good printer maintenance starts with the regular cleaning of your 3d printer. Here we will go through how to clean 3D Printer Bed and why it's so important.
With every print the material you use is going to leave residue on the printer bed. Most of the time this silhouette will be visible to the eye. You'll be able to see the first layer of the previous print. Depending on what you are printing, this can be no big deal. If you are printing something with a large surface area you can get away with limited cleaning. In our print room we can run the same model over and over without cleaning making it easy to snap off the print bed. All good things come to an end though and through experience we can judge when a surface needs to be cleaned before having first layer issues. If you are printing something with a small footprint or a tall print then this 'used' bed is going to give you issues. Normally a good first layer will go down, with a few more to follow all the while building a false sense of security. Until you walk away and the bond gives way returning to a blob monster or spaghetti. The taller your print the better bed adhesion you will need.
So if you are having adhesion issues lets start at the basics and rule out a dirty printer bed from being one of the culprits why your first layer is not sticking to the bed. Below we will go through what to clean your 3d printer bed with.
Between prints it is good housekeeping to wipe your PEI Sheet down with Isopropyl and paper towel.
There are 3 main ways on how to clean your 3d printer bed. Using dish soap and a clean scourer. Isopropyl and paper towel. Periodically you can use Actone in a similar fashion as the isopropyl with paper towel.
We use Isopropyl Alcohol which is 90% Isopropyl or above. Less than 90% and we find it is not as good cutting agent and will leave residue behind. Isopropyl is perfect for the quick wipe down between prints. With newer sheets you can get away with simply doing this. Older or weathered sheets will need periodically more attention like the next method, cleaning with dish soap.
The application is simple. Start with the 3D Printing Bed at room temperature. Spray or dab the Isopropyl onto a paper towel and with a circular motion scrub the PEI Sheet. The middle is going to need the most love so start in the center and work your way out. Isopropyl evaporates fast due having a low bond between individual molecules. So you need to act fast. It might take 2 or three applications of Isopropyl to fully clean the bed.
We print all types of filament on smooth PEI sheets as we like the smooth first layer finish. Caution needs to be taken when printing with PETG, ABS or ASA. Cleaning the sheet with Isopropyl and printing any of these filament will damage the smooth finish as the adhesion will be too strong. One tip we have is to clean the bed less frequently and remove the print from the sheet while it is still warm. There are many other ways to limit adhesion using glue sticks other separating agents. Older more weathered sheets are our to go to print these types of filament on.
Using Isopropyl on a PEI Sheet before printing with PETG, ABS or ASA may make the adhesion too strong and damage your printing surface.
The application starts with removing the PEI Sheet from your printer (for some reason we felt that this should be mentioned). At a sink where it is easy to rotate the sheet under the tap, rinse the sheet with cold water. Then dab some dish washing liquid onto a fresh scourer and with a circular motion start scrubbing from the inside out. Flip the sheet over and repeat the same process on the other side. Rinse both sides thoroughly and dry with paper towel. When handling the PEI Sheet only hold it on the edges otherwise you will undo all your good work. Once dry carefully return the sheet to the printer bed.
Now you can return to simply cleaning between prints with Isopropyl again. The more you print the more you'll understand the quirks to your printer. AS mentioned before, when you feel Isopropyl isn't being as effective then it is time to return to the sink.
Using Acetone to clean your 3D printer bed is not something we do often. If a printer bed is truly misbehaving then we will give it a wipe down with Acetone. The same application is as followed as cleaning with Isopropyl except it is a quick wipe down. Acetone is really harsh to the smooth PEI sheet so we recommend using it sparingly.